Word Pieces IV

Third Man

one two three

both in step both in time
with the now set rhythm
with the One First Line

one two three

each has searched each has found
the Third in the couplet
the One Right Sound

one two three

together they pray together they see
between one there is nothing
between two there is Three

Wall Flower

flower on the wall
still hanging at a rakish yellow angle
looking lovingly with a smile

who thinks they know what that means
who thinks that a daisy even knows
what little portion of life
still breathes in a once-picked heart

is in the loving alone
the sharing of thoughts
in a soul smile together


four tea nights and
two day's pancakes (Shrove)
will with Wednesday suppers
all ways be more to those
than one Ash day
which begins the suffering
upon thee
the barren and dry land and
arrive at the Good Day whose
soul purpose is to end
forever the
four tea days

Cross Studies

Cross studies
(obscure theological dance steps)
soothe a guilty heart
for not being
we say
we are
empty hard bound copies
which no man can count
pages of blank
verses of more
Cross references
to a silent wheel chair ballet
to lines in the staging of mute plays
to notes never heard or written
to vacant heart canvasses (all)
waiting for the Michaelangelic
touch of life on the face of Adam


At the top in the best spot
My Father, He is Love
And Mother dear at His right hand
as gentle as a dove

And there is John and Peter, Paul
Bartholomew and Thomas
My brothers too who heard the call
and made the holy promise

They line the dome, adorn our walls
and fill our homes with beauty
They mark our hearts and ask us all
for us to do our duty

And as I sit below the tree
my holy family with us
I know they fought and know they taught
For me and for the righteous

Remind me then why slow of heart
you rail and rail against them
They are in Art your better part
a gracious giving anthem

For all your love and all your life
been given along the way
From birth to death and after life
God grant us that they pray

for us and our bleak hearts of stone
and short of understanding
and for our ignorance of One
who leads the Holy Family

So know them well who gave so much
and kiss them as a token
And touch them dear with gentle touch
Our Father's body broken