Word Pieces I

The Masterpiece

Think O muddled mind of man
and having turned to God a hand
Raise up the brush and touch the Heart
of that which gave your soul a start

Turn then a thin peculiar line
into a Masterpiece of Mind
And draw upon the soul a face
a song of delicacy and grace

And make O muddled mind of man
the Masterpiece of God's own hand


I awoke and saw the sun
through shafts of golden
wind wheat saying
Try it on the wind
Try it on the sky
So with upturned palms
of inturned hands
I let go
and the Idea took wind
It fell then in a
quiet-flowered field
and leapt again
and fell
and leapt again
as the babe of a quiet
Mary leapt again
The whole creation began
to sing an Alleluia in time
with the flow of the Afghan gait
and I myself began to know the
Why of wait


very blue once singer
of one night songs
stands now alone sitting
at the loom of despair
weaving the cloak of success
with fine points and
artificial threads of a past
too soon to remember

Check Mate

pick up the pieces
pawn your time on the
knight of wonder
up one over two
across the whole
to death
do us
part anyway
move a last
until one cries
all is done
when can't now
even one move


given half a chance
tomorrow will push up
thousands of blossoms
out of the dark
and earth will stage
the universe's
most magnificent
golden awakening


so this is death

gnarled fingers of the aged
half drop their autumnal
colors on the cool earth
forming color prints on the
once grey soils of yesterday


red yellow brown making green
the magnificent collage of

Holy Weak

Judas hanging on a tree
thirty pieces and three
times Peter too
denied the True
Son of God let it pass
let us choose Barabbas
but no we say deliver us won
Jesus Christ God's only Son

dark and rent the temple is
three lonely sent are surely His
to weep and mend a broken how
can answer

He is Arisenau